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There are many available treatments for many different scenarios. As every single client is unique, every treatment plan is bespoke and individual for the client.

Here are just a few examples of the most popular treatments that we offer. If you do not see the treatment that you are seeking, please contact us, as we most likely, will still be able to help you.

Quit Smoking...

Smoking cessation will only be successful if the client is truly wanting to quit for themselves and not just to please somebody else. Smoking is a learnt habit, therefore it can be un-learnt, by using suggestions to change the way you view smoking and by giving you new coping techniques to combat any urges. This is a very popular treatment.

Weight Loss...

This is also a very popular treatment. Our eating habits are usually learnt from a very young age and can be very hard to change because there can be very complex emotional issues connected to our eating patterns. Hypnotherapy can help you to look at every aspect of your eating habits and with the use of positive suggestions, we can help you achieve a healthier, more positive outlook of your relationship with food and exercise, and help you to set realistic and achievable goals.

Fears and Phobias...

A fear will grow from a real danger that can threaten us and is our body's natural way of protecting itself. A phobia is an irrational fear that doesn't actually come from a real threat or situation and it can cause immense distress, anxiety or even panic attacks. The cause of phobias will often be buried deep inside our subconscious mind without us actually realising the main contributor. By using positive suggestions, hypnotherapy can change the way you view your fears and phobias, and give you new techniques to cope with them more effectively.

Stress and Anxiety...

We all suffer from stress or anxiety at some point in our lives, but long-term stress and anxiety can manifest in many different forms and if left untreated, can affect our whole perception of life. Hypnotherapy can help you change negatives into positives, and give you more confidence to deal with any situation more effectively, not letting any stress or anxiety rule your life, you can gain new techniques to take back your own control.

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